Saturday, September 21, 2013


 It feels like forever since my last post!  I have not had much time to play in the garden the last few weeks due to an extremely crazy work schedule.
I did find time this morning to have a nice visit in the garden and did a bit of light clean up and give some much needed attention to some plants.
Before I get to my update, check out this beautiful butterfly I had just caught emerging from his cocoon.  It was attached to the Jasmine on the arbor.  beautiful, isn't he?
 He hung around for quite a while, fluttering his wings back and forth, I imagine gaining strength for flight.

In the raised bed below where the corn used to live, now has very healthy looking Cauliflower along with one lone Spaghetti squash and some Kentucky Wonder String less green beans.

Never really had much success growing Cauliflower, but my motto is "never give up, try, try again".  Wish me luck!
 The beans are starting to climb the arbor and the squash plant already seems to be wanting to call this space his own.  If it continues to thrive, I will let him have his way.  I love spaghetti squash!!

 When I planted these transplants, in some spots I put two plants together.  Whether they will crowd each other has yet to be seen.

 This Black Beauty plant was planted by seed back in May I believe and never really grew.  However, I moved it to this spot and it has started to bolt showing signs and producing fruit!  Amazing to me and I 'm so glad I didn't pull it out earlier this month!
 All of the pepper plants are doing fantastic since the tomatoes have been removed.  The single cow horn plant has more peppers on it than I can count!  Same with the habaneros.
Can't wait to harvest some of these and fry them up... yum!!  they were some of the hottest peppers I've every grown.
 look at all of those habaneros on this plant....

 I also planted Cauliflower and Broccoli in the square foot raised beds.  So far the broccoli is looking healthy but something has started eating the cauliflower.  Time to spray!!
 Pole beans are coming back since I treated them with some insecticide.  I removed all the damaged leaves and it is spreading nicely over the arbor.  I did notice what looks like mold or some sort of bacteria on a few leaves this morning, so a shot of insecticidal soap may be in order.
 I've never grown spinach before and was very pleased that some seeds have sprouted.

Of all the lettuce seeds planted in the last few weeks, the radishes and spinach have been the only seeds that sprouted.  It may be a bit too warm still, so this morning I planted again.

 Unfortunately, all of the carrots that had sprouted have now died due to heat and lack of water.
not giving up yet and have planted more seeds today.  Come on Cool weather!!!!

Happy Gardening and thanks for visiting!

The Ambitious Gardner,

Mary :)

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